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2021 Schedule - Borrow Games

Hello friends, we've been keeping up with the latest covid updates and evaluating what we should do for the safest gameplay.

With what we've seen, we've chosen a middle point. We will have games to check out for the weekend of September 18 between 10am and 10pm and 19th between 10am and 5pm and figurines to take home and paint.

We have a Discord channel we have set up for people to ask questions, check availability of games, find other players, or facilitate remote play:

    The games are ready to borrow at our residence, the address will be available on Discord to those interested. Here's a list of the 2,000+ (and still growing) games available:

    For board games, you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. If it's beautiful, you can find a park and get some nature exposure while destroying your enemies... I mean friends. If it isn’t (or you are secretly a vampire), you can take the games home to your personal dungeon area.

    Cost will be by donation to maintain the Library (Donation required to receive a take-home miniature). (Suggested $5, or will also take board games). We will be at least checking IDs, and might require a deposit or card on file for some of the bigger games (some games have components totalling several hundred dollars). We are working out the details there and will communicate on Discord as we are able.

    Also, please join our new mailing list. You can join or leave at any time. We only expect to have a few updates per year to the address.